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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What are Collocations ?

Collocations are 2 or 3 words that go together in a sentence.

Here is a sample of some collocations with the verb "HAVE". I will soon update this article with the translations in Spanish, in the meantime why not try to translate them yourself ?

have a bath
have a drink
have a good time
have a haircut
have a holiday
have a problem
have a relationship
have a rest
have lunch
have sympathy

Here is a sample of some collocations with the verb "TAKE". I will soon update this article with the translations in Spanish, in the meantime why not try to translate them yourself ?

take a break
take a chance
take a look
take a rest
take a seat
take a taxi
take an exam
take notes
take someone's place
take someone's temperature

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